this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
we live in an unusual period of advanced and coherent biological
po wasn't enlightened : o) :o(
masturbation, some can argue it's better than the trouble that the opposite sex brings :o) :o(
the catholic church is all hypocrisy and fraud, look at the way cardinal ratzinger who became pope benedict the sixteenth endorsed the inquisition's treatment of galileo
“ the church at the time of galileo kept much more closely to reason than did galileo himself, and she took into consideration the ethical and social consequences of galileo's teaching too. her verdict against galileo was rational and just, and the revision of this verdict can be justified only on the grounds of what is politically opportune ”
the above quote is by paul
feyerabend, who i don't disagree with entirely, not in the context of galileo, but his rejection of universal methodological rules
cardinal ratzinger “quoted this quote” approvingly (being the most senior person in the congregation of arseholes !)
ratzinger being pope was bad mistake for the catholic church, being heavily gay and mentally toxic, tho with some charisma !, but they are doomed through hierarchical rigidity, the cardinal system seems incapable of electing anyone young enough to be be effective and not still bound in pre ww2 views :o)
the catholic church is hypocrisy and fraud, look at the way cardinal ratzinger who became pope benedict the sixteenth endorsed the inquisition's treatment of galileo
we live in an unusual period of biological
i'm not sure gender
blurring easily breaks down into percentages of one or the other, it's very lumpy with deep canyons :/; o )
the estrogen might be saving him from the usual autistic spectrum fate (collapsing health) as he gets older !
i think he's doing the estrogen for a health reason
wonder what form estrogen he's using?
maybe he was having bad weight loss?
evan shaw asks
for curiosities sake, how is pantheism illogical?
my reply
i got quite interested in pantheism because of the very brutal and murderous way the catholic church executed giordano bruno, basically for pantheist views ! (and being successful at promulgating them lol)
the problem with pantheism is a rather subtle theological and philosophical point, the question to which everything is in identity with and excluded from god !
neo-advaita and non-duality are sorta a crimped pan theism and i guess the current physics and astrophysics with its attempts at a “theory of everything” is more directly pan theist
so the pan theist argument or view is that the universe is god and i guess in a more general sense that existance is god
but generally in my observation existance is not god but the exclusion of god, a sort of parallelism to god, not entirely not of but basically excluded
it's the identity of ourselves with god in existance and non existance that is important and this is the basic mystical and poetic view point !
of course the masses bleat whatever they are told and pollute the world with their atrocious rubbish, but this is the nature of reality and existance ................... : o(
these homilies
and fold
fractals !
these homilies
and fold
fractals !
these homilies
and fold
these homilies
and expand
these homilies
these homilies
these homilies all fold
these homilies all fold away like fractals !
non duality ‑ neo advaita, mental retards, not quite mad because to be that stupid you have to stay inside boundaries !
madness at least has the advantage of going outside boundaries and
non duality ‑ neo advaita, mental retards, not quite mad because to be that stupid you have to stay inside boundaries !
madness at least has the advantage of going outside boundaries and hence
non duality ‑ neo advaita, mental retards, not quite mad because to be that stupid you have to stay inside boundaries ! :/; o)
the female view of the male is he is her property and there to do things for her ! : o(
the female view of the male is
he is her property and there to do things for her !
the female view of the male is he is her property and there to do things ! :o) : o(
the female view of the male is
he is her property and there to do things
brad warner, another of the doomed, it's nothing personal, it's a club : o) : o(
brad warner, another of the doomed, it's nothing personal, it's a club : o( : o)
brad warner, another of the doomed, it's nothing personal, it's like a club
brad warner, another of the doomed, it's nothing personal
an end to end telephone conversation, going nowhere, going somewhere : o( : o)
an end to end telephone conversation, going nowhere : o) : o(
an end to end telephone conversation, going nowhere, going somewhere : o) : o(
an end to end telephone conversation, going no where
an end to end telephone conversation, going no where
god PCBs in inks and pigments ! : o (
something very unusual and brutally sentimental about it below the eyes !
“ ram bai, mother of ram singh, the driver of the bus in which a young woman was gang-raped and fatally injured three months ago, wails inside her house at ravi das camp in new delhi march 11, 2013. ram singh hanged himself in his jail cell, prison authorities said.. ”
unreal, saw a tas devil in the garden (10.45pm ! quite dark!)
it must have been after the wallaby carcass i had left for the cats from the shooting the night before !
i did see two cats bolt for the garage
and safety i presume a bit later : o)
thermal receipt paper still a
problem !
frozen brains, concrete skulls, whatever ..................................... : o (
frozen brains, concrete skulls whatever ..................................... : o (
evan shaw writes
the higgs boson is an important puzzle piece, but it's still just a particle in a larger system. another effect that causes, not the first cause.
an effect of what, causing what? contextless generalities have the faintest heft of what comes prior to first causes but that's about it :o)
weight requires meaningful context :o)
now to make sense of this you need context : o) and there is none :o)
evan shaw replies
well i'd say its an effect of Purpose, and apparently it causes mass. but it's part of the equation, not the equation itself.
my reply
well it validates the “standard model” of physics as being basically correct, so in that sense is “part of the equation”, however the issue of the equation itself as it pertains to “creation” is how such a coherent working system can arise since obviously, unlike biological phenomena it cannot have evolved since there is no mechanism for it, but must have winked out and into existence as one of a multitude of possible states, the inconceivably overwhelming majority of which have NO capacity to develop or lay the ground conditions for the development of something which can self observe !
our present universe can self observe through giving rise to conditions of physics which enable biological evolution
that one state amongst an infinite multitude of non self observing states can exist has a parallelism with infinity and god but is still a dead end imo and doesn't relate as a union of physics/astro physics with the afore mentioned, such a union would validate pantheism which is a theological and heterodox error
heraclitus was talking in an inspired and quite coherent fashion about god and infinity, yet had the traditional greek (at the time) view of how the universe and physics was, which seems ludicrous to our modern understanding
tho we have very different approaches, i don't feel we are in disagreement, since what we think comes from some native sense or sympathy to what it is about and not the normal estranged human condition which leads them to blather all sorts of unseeing nonsense :o)
so i think it's one of these you can and can't say, is and is not of infinity and god, the usual self-destroying and self concealing recursive loop :o( :o)
the lord came to me,
made me holy, i'm a holy man, so he gave me these
the lord came to me, made me holy, i'm a holy man, so he gave me these
brad warner, if you have to ban me from your
blog , then you are a fake !
whole problem
T A L K !
that's how it goes, the claim of truth in one breath,
followed in the
the claim of openness and the reality of exclusion : o (
actually to be fair to brad i was thinking as much of the new pope francis and the catholic church as him
brad's wimpishness, hedonism and mediocre talents (my god what a tin ear ! ;o) along with some authenticity lack the virulence and malevolence of the catholic church at the height of its powers (it's a has been now)
so i guess that's two sorts of fake, institutional malevolence versus personal incompetence and flakery : o)
if an adolescent of
14 (from 1:50) understands the paramount value of dealing with
and not excluding what you don't like, why is every zen teacher so lacking in this paramount skill, those censorious bastards/idiots?
i am careful to put these homilies and eileen's poems in the exact order they were written
from the bottom of the page to the top of course : o)
the BCD and compendium are right on the
button for avoiding heart disease !
bascially dr. william davis is
saying that eliminating grains, including whole grains drastically reduces small particle LDL
he also emphasises the needs for good thyroid function, both issues covered in depth by the BCD and compendium
go you statin swallowing morons : 0 )
the first half of the talk by dr. orina belton is a very good overview of the condition !
zen and religion generally is like a crayfish trap
you can never quite get out of and have to walk your way out spline by spline : o(
zen and religion generally is like a crayfish trap you can never get out of and have to walk your way out spline by spline : o(
a peggy jiyu‑kennet quote mangled by brad warner : o(
if you don’t want to be grabbed by god don’t stare at a wall. definitely don’t sit still
morons who sit facing a wall will end up thinking they got grabbed by god ! : o(
you too, will continue for a while, then cease
you too, will continue for a while, then cease : o ) (
you too, will continue for a while, then cease
one of my basic approaches is
defeating moles before they become large or invasive enough to require reconstructive surgery, for example
on the nose !
of course the nose is mostly cartilage !
if there's an illusion out there, it's that things add up, but they never do, you always have to bear the full brunt to look at things sanely and act sanely
if there's an illusion out there, it's that things add up, but they never do, you always have to bear the full brunt to look at things sanely and act sanely
if there's an illusion out there, it's that things add up, but they never do, you always have to bear the full brunt to look at things sanely and act sanely : o) : o( : o( : o) fuckin bloody hell
if there's an illusion out there, it's that things add up, you always have to bear the bull brunt, orh FUCK YOU
if there's an illusion out there, it's that things add up, they never do, you always have to bear the full brunt
if there's an illusion out there, it's that things add up, they never do
there's an illusion out there, that things add up, they never do
housewives, the disorganized poor : o) : o(
housewives, the disorganized poor, lol don't ask me what that means, just came to mind as i was lying in bed !
housewives, the disorganized poor, lol don't ask me what that means, just came to mind as i was lying in bed
housewives, the disorganized poor
evan, you might be interested in reading
brocken”, one of the great works of english literature imo and like your writing is really into this synthesizing of imaginary literary landscapes :o)
obviously goethe was into it too !
speaking of goethe, his
italian journey is one of his best books along of course with faust :o)
tattoos can cause allergy problems, I wouldn't get any
more !
i have to say I don't actually see the point of yoga and why get the usual inducted long term joint, tendon and cartilage damage!
these people in the (exercise?) game are so concealing of the problems : o ( )
“ full lotus forces external hip rotation, and may damage the ligaments and cartilage around the knees ”
the open secret
by evan shaw
all is quiet in the valley of ilm
goethe tosses sand across wet ink
ruby wax sealed without a care,
he leans back in chair, - - and
drifts out the nearby window
rotating above, in constant motion
lunar trots that luminous path
as a fleet of clouds move away
“ancient chaldeans charted sky to learn,
the north star takes turns.”
he grabs brown coat, places hand
atop shakespeare bust, then heads to
the white swan. seated at a round table,
wilhelm meister manuscript by side,
schiller joins. and pours a glass of rhine wine:
“what flows up within, i shall begin, --
using chain that runs through
ye dissect the intellect, since time immemorial
hidden source it has kept. as elusive as
mnemosyne's daughters, it stays.
how do you unveil its ways?”
“each is given a shifting crystal ball
at birth. we turn it this way and that,
amused here, puzzled by inscription there.
the crystal itself never changes, just shows its
many sides. look at it, but put it aside,
and just be, for now.”
lady von lorenz, hops on goethe's lap:
“the one that eludes name
some sages dare proclaim
built this exploration game”
“yea as above, so the smallest speck
look at all the ways it interconnects.”
“tell me, where lies purpose?”
“a long-held desire grabs your attention.
water seeds; climb a tree!
so like zacchaeus you may see.
that the threads we weave,
last for eternity.”
all was quiet in the valley of ilm
and so, -- while candle dripped
goethe dreamed he found the urpflanze.
my replies
the river ilm
lies within
amidst ink and sand
there i stand !
the river ilm
flows within
amidst ink and sand
there i stand !
the river ilm
lies within
there amidst ink and sand
i stand : o )
the river ilm
lies within
there amidst ink and sand
so i stand : o )
the river ilm
the river ilm
lies within
amidst ink and sand
it just amazes me how so very few are able to converse in a reasonable and intelligent fashion : o( !
eileen replies
yeah for sure
all got their own agenda
fantasy life they've constructed
my reply
\: oℵ yeah
eileen's reply
amazing how many sheep there are
just having a reasonable discussion on the web, how many people can do that?
just having a reasonable discussion on the web, how many people can do that?
dogen's usual schizophrenic rambling, but a useless
translation !
you just go around and around in circles mike cause you are too afraid of not looking good :o)
ed. he (mike
dicko port) deleted the
comment above, unfortunately this seems to be normal behavior for these so called
enlightened ones supposedly beyond life and death and they can't cope with
constructive criticism !
who do they think they are fooling?
she sliced through the heart for a quick
humane kill but really i think it's important to bleed them first !
typical !
there is a theory by dr. meshberger that the background figures and shapes portrayed behind the figure of god are an anatomically accurate picture of the human brain
north korea, the chinese friend that turned out to be the enemy : o)
beijing is closer than tokyo ! : o )
north korea, the chinese friend
that turned out to be the enemy : o)
the friend that turned out to be the enemy : o)
the friend that turned out to be the enemy
interestingly the spinal cord
has non visual photoreceptors in which means the cells in it can respond to sunlight and i think that getting some strong sunlight on the lower back helps with lower back problems !
also the brain and testicles have these photoreceptors, and strong sun on the head improves mood (don't get sunstroke !) and in the case of the testicles it increases the testosterone levels which stops the formation of breasts and really improves cardiovascular function !
“ the human gene OPN3 encodes opsin 3 (encephalopsin, panopsin) bBlackshaw s and snyder sh, 1999). it is strongly expressed in brain and testis with features of a classical photoreceptive opsin. the human gene OPN5 encodes opsin 5, which is expressed in the eye, brain, testes, and spinal cord (tarttelin ee et al, 2003)
a correspondent asks
sounds plausible, but if the photoreceptors are in the brain and spinal cord, how does light reach them?
my reply
i think there’s two avenues, some light does go through bone, not much, but possibly enough to be picked up by photoreceptors, the beauty of strong sunlight is it has very high energy levels and a broad spectrum of light including red and near-infrared, so who knows what goes through, but the photoreceptors will be tuned to that of course by evolution, possibly to produce growth factors over summer?
the other avenue is that the sutures in the skull and connective tissue in the spine act as a sort of light pipe, this is actually a fact because there is a transcranial red and near-infrared therapy for stroke, neurological/degenerative disease and traumatic brain injury that uses red/infrared leds strapped over the sutures on the skull that brings very significant improvement and is due to the red/infrared energising the mitochondria in the outer portions of the brain
unfortunately when the treatment is stopped the beneficial effect is lost !
i have wondered if men going bald or having crew cuts is chasing this effect?
that testosterone production in the testicles is responsive to sunlight seems to be known by the bodybuilding community, which is not the macho driven activity one might think, but low testosterone and growth hormone men who are partly feminized (hence the female emphasis on display!) looking for improvements in their hormones
“ wright’s
law, first formulated in 1936
it holds that progress increases with experience — specifically, that each percent increase in cumulative production in a given industry results in a fixed percentage improvement in production efficiency ”
you can see this with flat panel computer monitors, the huge increases in functionality and price/performance with massively increasing volume over about 6 years : o)
i was going to say “capitalism at its best” but it's also a fundamental dynamic of socialist economies with their restricted product ranges but huge volumes of production : o )
life is cruel and it's
life is cruel and it's
life is cruel and it's
i have to say i am the world's biggest hypocrite when it comes to advice about working, my reality goes like this
“ avoid paid work at all costs !
i have to say i'm the world's biggest hypocrite when it comes to advice about working, my reality is
“ avoid paid work at all costs ! ”
i have to say i'm the world's biggest hypocrite when it comes to advice about working, my reality goes like this
“ avoid paid work at all costs ! ”
Andrew the buddha replies to dicko port
if you and adam need me censored neither of you are enlightened cause you can't cut the ice in dharma combat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edgy indeed, certainly boring and stupid :o)
humility begins seeing where you are wrong, but oh, you teach arrogance :o)
woman's need for love and the partial ability of the male to deliver and the complete ability of children to absorb
woman's need for love and the only partial ability of the male to deliver and the complete ability of children to absorb
i was waiting in the supermarket queue at the ulverstone woolworths and startled the young man next to me by cracking a bag of ice down on the handrail to rest my game shoulder...............
he said that surprising loud noises really startled him and made him jump and i said, yeah, same for me and he said he zoned out in carparks and i knew he was a kindred spirit.................
he was holding a packet/small tray of donuts with a clear plastic over them, they had garishly coloured icing and specks and he was saying how good these were
i pointed to the red coloured dots saying this colour sent a friend of mine's daughter up the wall
and he said yeah , same thing happened to him as a child and he also mentioned he now had diabetes (he was 25 ?) which he hinted was unfair
i suggested he go to a health store and see if he could get some chromium
he said yeah, it had been recommended to him
he moved to the counter, didn't have enough cash and had to go out to his car to get more .................
after checking out i passed him and we smiled at each other and no doubt i will never see him again !
life's inexorable moving forward bus
“ let
it's all self taught, wether you call it zen, or islam/sufi or another religion or poetry or philosophy or writing, it's still self taught
it's all self taught, wether you call it zen, or islam/sufi or another religion or poetry or philosophy or writing, it's all self taught
it's all self taught, wether you call it zen, or another religion or poetry or philosophy or writing of any sort, it's still self taught
it's all self taught, wether you call it zen, or poetry or philosophy, it's all self taught
it's all self taught, wether you call it zen, or poetry or philosophy doesn't matter, it's still self taught
advaita, neo adviata, are just sex mad Retards,
that's a big
R for retard
advaita, neo adviata, are just sex mad Retards,
that's a big R for retard
all this fuss in zen about this semi-rapist behavior of joshu sasaki, it's because he was considered one of the best and most subtle and sophisticated teachers ha ha and if he didn't understand who did?
well that's the reality, he didn't understand, he was a fraud and all modern zen is a fraud
GET IT ! ?
all this fuss in zen about this semi-rapist behavior of joshu sasaki, it's because he was considered one of the best and most subtle and sophisticated teachers ha ha and if he didn't understand who did?
well that's the reality, he didn't understand, he was a fraud and all modern zen is a fraud, GET IT ! ?
sergei eisenstein ivan the terrible
part 3
autistic genius
got stalin and a criticism of the soviet system written all over it i am afraid : o( )
no wonder they destroyed (most!) of it : o(
sergei eisenstein
ivan the terrible part 3 autistic genius
got stalin and a criticism of the soviet system written all over it i am afraid : o( )
no wonder they destroyed (most!) of it : o(